Look. Another security exploit. This time in that bastion of ultimate security.. er.. hang on.. what’s this? It’s in Flash? This is news? Oh, a *NEW* one in Flash. Got it.
Ok. Where were we? Looks like another security vuln in the wild. This one’s in Flash and effects all three major OSes. Yep, that’s right you penguins.. Linux is included in this one. So get your YUM and APT repos spun up and update those boxen.
Krebs has the details here: Adobe Update Nixes Flash Player Zero Day
So there you have it. Two major web exploitable vulns in two days. Waiting for the other two shoes to drop; Java and Acrobat.
PS: Is it strange that I’m using a terminal window to cut/paste text from websites to strip it of hidden formatting? Yes? It is? Good.